Neverovatna transformacija

Imala je 122 kilograma, a njene najnovije fotografije u bikiniju ostaviće vas bez teksta! (FOTO/VIDEO)

Učesnica reality show-a The Biggest Loser nekad je težila 122 kilograma i stidela se svog izgleda, a danas ponosno pokazuje svoje telo u oskudnim kupaćim kostimima
Alison Braun, foto: Screenshot
Alison Braun, foto: Screenshot

- Kad sam imala 122 kilograma, nikada nisam poželela da dođem na Bali jer sam mislila da se ne uklapam. Nikad nisam ni sanjala da ću baš na Baliju snimiti selfie u bikiniju, Još ne verujem koliko sam života propustila


Killing time waiting for the children to arrive home so we can escape to Bali and thought I would share my latest TVC. As many of you know I'm the Ambassador for The Biggest Loser Club for this season and what many of you may not know is this is the tool all the contestants used when on the show. So TBLC has been with me from day one of my journey and was also one of the key tools to help me maintain after the show.This is our latest TVC that is airing Nationally
